• Washing Your Tattoo

    Regardless of what aftercare method you choose, the instructions for washing your tattoo are the same. You will need a fragrance-free gentle liquid soap, clean paper towels, and a plain lotion.

    Step 1 | Wash your hands before touching your tattoo.
    Step 2 | Gently wash your tattoo, lathering gently.
    Step 3 | Pat dry with a clean paper towel (no bath towels!)
    Step 4 | Let the tattoo breathe for 10-15 minutes.
    Step 5 | Apply a VERY thin layer of lotion.
    Step 6 | Repeat 2-3 times a day until healed.

    Your tattoo will fully heal in 2-3 weeks and will settle in your skin over the months following. You'll be able to tell your tattoo is healed once there are no more scabs/flakes. While your tattoo is healing, please remember to stay out of bodies of water (the ocean, hot tubs, baths, etc) as it can mess with the healing process and introduce bacteria into the wound. Also please limit your sun exposure, don't apply sunscreen on your tattoo until it has healed, and don’t pick at the healing skin.

  • Wet Healing

    If you chose to opt for DermShield after your session, keep the bandage on for 3-5 days. There may be some blood, plasma, and ink collecting in the bandage over the first day or so-- this is completely normal! As long as the bandage doesn't leak just keep it on. If your bandage does leak, or if there is excess liquid that feels like it might, you may replace it within the first 24 hours.

    To remove the bandage, do so in the shower under warm running water. Wash your hands first, and then rub soap over the bandage to help loosen the adhesive. Gently take your time peeling the bandage off as to not irritate your skin. After removing, wash your tattoo like normal.

    If replacing the bandage, you can find Recovery's instructions for applying a new one here! Make sure to thoroughly clean the area before applying, as to not trap any bacteria in the wound.

  • Dry Healing

    If you chose to heal without DermShield, I will wrap your tattoo temporarily after your session. Please keep this wrapping on for at least 2 hours, but I encourage keeping it on until you get home for the evening.

    Before you go to bed, take off the wrapping and wash your tattoo thoroughly as described above. If you'd like, you may dry wrap your tattoo with cling wrap the first night so that your tattoo doesn't rest on your sheets. Please don’t apply any lotion under the wrapping, as it may over-moisturize and irritate your tattoo! Also, don’t wrap your tattoo after the first night, as this will mess with the dry healing process.

    Wash your tattoo like normal, and be mindful that your tattoo will be more vulnerable for the first few days until it starts to peel.